Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Paradox of Knowledge

What we refer to as knowing the known relates to knowledge as we recognize it in the elementary frame of reality. Everything that we define in terms of name and form, of concept and theory is but only an extension of our mind, which is predicated by the rules we ourselves have developed over the existent lifetime of humanity. Everything deemed logical is but designed to be so by none other than the authors of logic, that being verily us. Having said as much, then all that is known is irrelevant to us when it comes to the higher questions of truth and existence, and maybe in many ways unsympathetic to our quest for the same.

But to know the unknown is justly a paradox, for everything known is created and manipulated by us, an endeavor undertaken to keep our frame of being grounded to the falseness of reality that we survive in. Our every thought and action that makes up our daily lives creates the illusion of sanity and truthfulness in this structural universe, in a sense it is this illusion that keeps the world on the move. For without this apparent deception the entire totality of creation as we know it would come to a point of inflection. Which is what’s happening currently, as we move faster and faster into what McKenna referred to as the constant acceleration towards ‘timewave zero’ or involution as opposed to evolution.

To understand the unknown with the very same faculties of knowledge that also created the rules for ‘imagining the apparent known’ is what I call as a paradox. These instruments of deception are unworthy of trust when dealing with the Real and Absolute Truth; they serve us no purpose other than to deal with the complexities of survival in the labyrinths of life’s riddles. But to turn the focus of observation from the external affirmatives that the mental instrument projects to model the living universe, and use that focal energy to study the apparatus of logic would in some way give us hints or clues to the nature of Reality. What we must understand and accept is that this is not a choice of solution, but the only available avenue of experience towards the Cause behind all causes.

Some may argue that this is intellectual gibberish, metaphysical jugglery intended to waste time and effort that otherwise could be spent for more productivity in life. But then what is time? And effort towards productivity of what? Time is only another construct of the mind designed for the sole purpose of enslaving the being into the maze of births and rebirths. The productivity that we speak off, leads to the cause for more and more, desire being the anticipatory catalyst for all of life’s produce. Tell me if any of our material dispositions have ever led us to the source of all creation, if they have even brought us to the brink of questioning our causes. Nay, for they exist only for the keeping of our attention within the known, incarcerating our curiosity towards the unknown. Because the unknown has the key to our liberation from this unconsciously self-proclaimed prison, there shall never be self-conscious attempt to decipher its hidden secrets.

Such is the paradox of knowledge!

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